Dandie Dinmont Terrier
The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is characterized by his long, low body and "scimitar" tail, which looks like a curved sword, as well as his large soulful eyes and fluffy head of hair. Though small in stature, the Dandie has the character of a big dog, possessing confidence, intelligence and an independent nature. The breed's allowable coat colors are described as "pepper" and "mustard."
The Dandie Dinmont Terrier was bred from selected specimens of the rough native terrier of the Border hunters in the Cheviot Hills between England and Scotland and was first recorded as a distinct type of breed about 1700. He was distinguished by his preeminence in hunting the otter and the badger. A direct line of these dogs descended to the farmers in the Teviotdale Hills, where Sir Walter Scott in his travels chanced upon them and made them famous in his Guy Mannering, published in 1814.
Breed Profile
Dandies are tough but dignified little gents with a big-dog personality, sturdy enough for the rough-and-tumble life of a country terrier, but adaptable and compact enough for apartment living. They’re alert and intelligent watchdogs, with a baritone bark that sounds like it belongs to a much bigger dog. Dandies enjoy romping and cuddling with kids but aren't as hyper as some small dogs. They are terriers, though, with typical willfulness, independence, and courage. Dandie owners get best results with positive, motivational training.
Coat & Grooming: His coat is trimmed by continually plucking the longest coat out with thumb and forefinger. but his coat must be stripped about twice a year and brushed daily. Their nails should be trimmed regularly with a nail clipper to avoid overgrowth and cracking. A bit more care should be given to cleaning around the large eyes. And the low hanging ears should be checked regularly to avoid a buildup of wax and debris which can result in an infection. Teeth should be brushed regularly.