
Greyhounds are the essence of the dog breeder’s credo “Form follows function.” From the narrow, aerodynamic skull to the shock-absorbing pads of the feet, Greyhounds are perfectly constructed for high-speed pursuit. The lean beauty of the Greyhound “inverted S” shape, created by the deep chest curving gently into a tightly tucked waist, has been an object of fascination for artists, poets, and kings for as long as human beings have called themselves civilized. Greyhounds are the template from which other coursing hounds have been struck.

The Greyhound is one of the most ancient breeds known to man and can be traced to almost every country on every continent on the globe. In America, Greyhounds can be traced back to the 1500's, brought in by Spanish explorers to "guard, hunt, intimidate and punish their enemies-in this case, the Indians".

Breed Profile

In these democratic times just, plain folks enjoy long-held royal prerogatives, and the Greyhound has made the leap—gracefully, of course—from his majesty’s hunter and fashion statement to family pet. The docile yet independent, catlike nature of Greyhounds is immensely charming. Training them is a challenge best approached with a sense of humor. Greyhound prey drive is awesome, and some fenced-in running room is a must. Walking a Greyhound off-leash is a serious no-no. Organized coursing events is a great way to channel their need for speed.