Manchester Terrier
Manchester Terriers combine the streamlined grace of a small coursing hound and the instincts of a fearless rat terrier. These racy little dogs come in two size varieties: Toy (not exceeding 12 pounds) and Standard (not exceeding 22 pounds). They're easily recognized by a tight coat of rich mahogany tan and jet black. The head is long and wedge-shaped; tan spots above each eye point up a watchful expression. Manchester’s can motor, running with good reach in front and propulsive rear drive powered by a muscular caboose.
The Manchester Terrier has a short, flat coat which makes him a wash and go breed. Since they love to dig and go on walks, they need to be bathed regularly if they are going to sleep in your bed. Blueberry Bliss Shampoo and Blueberry Bliss Conditioner are recommended to keep this breed smelling great for days after each bath. If you notice your dog has bald patches, use the Dead Sea Mineral Mud Bath conditioning treatment for the skin, followed with our Hot Oil Treatment to keep the coat nice and shiny.
Between baths: Blueberry Bliss Cologne is perfect to spray on between baths, which will help to condition the coat and neutralize odors. Blueberry Bliss Aloe Wipes should be kept on hand and applied to the face or paws after a good digging outside. For quick cleaning of spots, paws and sanitary areas, or for a quick freshening between baths, try our Blueberry Waterless Bath Spray.
The profuse hair in the ear area makes this breed prone to ear problems. For monthly ear cleaning, use Espree Ear Care. If weekly care is needed for an existing chronic ear condition, then our Ear Care Aloe Wipes. This routine will help keep any ear problems at bay. Remember, never clean further than you can see inside the ear.
Opti-Soothe Eye Wash can be used to help flush foreign matter, such as leftover shampoo, as well as help rinse common eye allergens while soothing any irritation. Remember, always check the eyes every time your pet comes in from running outside or romping in the field. Allergies are common in this breed and can cause your dog to have runny eyes. Using Wipes makes it easy to keep tear staining to a minimum.
Since this breed likes to snuggle up in bed with you, be sure to keep the paws soft and pliable by using Paw Balm daily.
Common Problems
Coat and Skin: Fleas and ticks can easily afflict any dog. Our Flea and Tick Shampoo is fantastic and loved by groomers, while the Flea and Tick Pet Spray keeps them away for up to twelve days. There is also the Flea and Tick Repellent Wipes for convenience between baths.
Cold weather is difficult for this breed, so bundle him up outside when the weather turns cold with a nice sweater or coat.
Skin and coat problems might also be prevalent, so we recommend Pure Icelandic Salmon Oil in the dog’s food to keep them in the best shape possible.