A hard-driving hunting dog possessing stamina, courage, and the desire to go, the Pointer is bred primarily for sport afield and definitely looks the part. He gives the impression of compact power and agile grace, with a noble carriage, an intelligent expression and a muscular body. His short coat can be liver, lemon, black or orange; either in combination with white or solid-colored.
The Pointer was the first dog, so far as we know, used to stand game in the sense in which we use the term today, and was developed as a distinct breed much earlier than any of the setters. It seems likely that Pointers came into general use in Spain, Portugal, throughout Eastern Europe and in the British Isles at approximately the same time, although the development of the English Pointer took place in Great Britain.
Breed Profile
The list of this quintessential gundog’s attributes is a long one: loyalty, intelligence, friendliness, strength, grace, stamina, and of course, breathtaking beauty when on point. A high-energy breed, Pointers make excellent runner’s companions, and active kids will appreciate a playmate that won’t poop out before they do. As pets, they do best with enclosed running room to expend some energy. Pointers long to be full-fledged family members, and early socialization and training will make that possible.
Coat & Grooming: A brush and the occasional bath will keep them clean and looking their best. Grooming can be a wonderful bonding experience for you and your pet. Their strong fast-growing nails should be trimmed regularly with a nail clipper or grinder to avoid overgrowth, splitting and cracking. Their ears should be checked regularly to avoid a buildup of wax and debris which can result in an infection. Teeth should be brushed regularly.