Sealyham Terrier
Standing less than 11 inches at the shoulder and weighing about 24 pounds, Sealyham Terriers are tweeners—not quite big enough to be considered medium-sized dogs, yet among the strongest and most substantial of what we think of as small dogs. A typical Sealyham Terrier is like an NFL running back: powerful, well-muscled, built low to ground, and moving easily with long, determined strides. The weatherproof coat is predominantly white, and a long, broad head is furnished with the lavish facial hair so emblematic of Britain’s terriers.
The Sealyham Terrier derives its name from Sealyham, Haverfordwest, Wales, the estate of Captain John Edwardes who, between 1850 and 1891, developed from obscure ancestry a strain of dogs noted for prowess in quarrying badger, otter, and fox. The breed was recognized on March 8, 1911, by The Kennel Club, which offered the first Challenge Certificates for Sealyham Terriers at the Great Joint Terrier Show, London, June 10, 1911.
Breed Profile
Sealys’ popularity with pet owners has waned since those heady days—puzzling, considering the breed’s many fine qualities. “They could be one of the best-kept secrets in dogs,” says one Sealy lover. Despite their rep as the bruiser among short-legged terriers, Sealys are lots of fun: cute, funny, affectionate, and trainable (in an independent-terrier way). Their confidence and big-dog bark make Sealys excellent watchdogs, and their friendliness is put to good use as therapy workers in nursing homes and children’s hospitals.
Coat & Grooming: Beyond regular grooming, the occasional bath will keep them clean and looking their best. Grooming can be a wonderful bonding experience for you and your pet. Their strong fast-growing nails should be trimmed regularly with a nail clipper or grinder to avoid overgrowth, splitting and cracking. Their ears should be checked regularly to avoid a buildup of wax and debris which can result in an infection. Teeth should be brushed regularly.