Toy Fox Terrier
Truly an American breed, the Toy Fox Terrier is a big dog in a small package that possesses intelligence, courage and a take-charge attitude. Both a Toy and a Terrier, they are a true working dog, delighting in hunting tree squirrels and flushing out rodents. The breed’s colors are white, chocolate and tan; white and tan; white and black; or tri-color.
Breed Profile
Toy Fox Terriers are an outgoing and friendly, yet fiercely loyal to their families. They are content and capable of any range of activities from hunting, to obedience, to just lounging around in the sun (or on the sofa). Children especially enjoy the unending energy and zeal for play throughout this dog’s life, but as with all Toy breeds, they are not recommended for small children. Their small size makes them ideal for an apartment, although they love to explore the outdoors. They are easy to groom – a quick weekly brushing to prevent shedding, nail trim, and bath is all that is necessary.
The Toy Fox Terrier does require regular bathing and grooming. This courageous and intelligent little dog can be bathed as frequently as every week up to no more than every six weeks depending on his lifestyle. With this smooth coated breed, regular bathing is essential to maintain healthy skin and coat. Selecting the correct products to match your pet’s skin and coat is essential to achieve optimal results.
Before bathing your Toy Fox Terrier, it is recommended to go over the dog’s entire body with a high velocity dryer in order loosen any dirt and dander from the skin and remove any excess loose coat. Lightly card the coat to help accelerate shedding. Once you have selected the best products for your TFT, it is bath time!
Finishing the Dog: Tools and Finish Grooming
This spirited dog should be bathed on a regular basis. Use a grooming mitt and massage in a circular motion to stimulate the release of natural oils. This will also aide in the removal of any excess, loose hair. In order to keep the fine, smooth coat in prime condition, it is always beneficial to use a hydrating spray following the bathing and drying process. This allows the skin and coat to lock in moisture to help maintain perfect hydration.
General Health Care
Prep work is the foundation of all grooming. Prep work includes ear cleaning, nail trimming, anal glands, and proper dental hygiene. Mastering these skills sets the professional pet stylist apart from the rest. Prep work should be done before every bathing and grooming appointment. All dogs need to have their ears checked and cleaned on a regular basis. Proper nail care is also very important. Long, unsightly nails are uncomfortable for the dog, as well as anyone they might jump on. Long nails also compromise the shape of the foot. Trimming the pads of the foot helps give the dog good traction on different surfaces and can minimize the amount of dirt the dog tracks into the house. It also affords the opportunity to treat and condition the paws from cracks and abrasions. Anal glands should also be checked and expressed if they are full. Some caring pet owners prefer to have the anal glands done by their veterinarian. Good dental hygiene is essential for a healthy pet as well.
Nutritional Care
In order to maintain healthy skin and coat as well as overall health, it is important to provide good nutrition to your dog through a well-balanced diet, vitamins, and healthy treats.
Do they require a lot of grooming?
If you are not a fan of cutting hair, then you have made the right selection of choosing a Toy Fox Terrier. This smooth, short haired, animated little dog requires minimal grooming. This breed is generally clean with few odor problems.
What is a common problem in Toy Fox Terriers?
The TFT is generally a very healthy breed. Despite this, there are several health issues that are apparent in this breed. Patellar luxation (a dislocation of the kneecap), Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease (a hip joint with arthritic and osteopathic changes), and von Willebrand’s Disease (vWD is a condition that makes them more likely to bleed abnormally.) are a few health concerns apparent in this breed.
Do Toy Fox Terriers shed or cause allergies?
TFT’s do shed an average amount due to their short, smooth coat. Due to their small size, there is less hair than larger breeds with the same type of coat. However, before bringing an TFT into your home if you suffer from allergies, you should spend some time around the breed to make sure you do not have an allergic reaction.
Are Toy Fox Terriers good with children?
While a sturdy little dog, TFT’s cannot tolerate excessive rough handling. This fact makes them not suitable for all children.
What if I have a show dog?
Whether you have a show dog or a companion quality dog, the same basic care is given regarding nutrition, socialization, and hygiene. The difference is the conditioning of the dog and conformation training. It is always quite helpful if your breeder can help mentor you to lead you in the right direction upon entering the wonderful world of dog shows. A great place to start is with the national breed club like the Toy Fox Terrier Club of America, www.atftc.com